So, at last, I can share the new cover in the Corbally Crime Series…..
Ta dah….
Cover Reveal – up for Pre-order Now!

Silent Night – by Geraldine Hogan
As you can see, it’s a very different book to the contemporary fiction I’ve written before. This book moves away from a focus on friendships, family, secrets and lies. It’s slightly darker, certainly grittier and centers around two main characters – Iris Locke and Ben Slattery and their work with the Corbally Murder Team.
Their first case catapults them both on a path that they had neither expected nor wanted, but I think they are both up to the task ahead. I hope that if you decide to pick up the book that you enjoy it and that you’ll follow the adventures of this pair – I’ve certainly enjoyed sharing them.
Silent Night is out on August 23rd and in the meantime, keep an eye out for some special promotional activity if you’re around social media – this promises to be a blast!!
For now, Silent Night is available to pre-order in ebook and pod editions on all good ebook sites….
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