I can’t quite believe that it’s here – publication day for THE PLACE WE CALL HOME. I loved writing this book – I think it shows too in the characters and the setting. Perhaps this is why I feel as if I can’t wait to share the story with readers. You really are very…. Welcome to Ballycove! It is everything I love to read and best of all, it’s set on my own doorstep in the nearby Foxford Woollen Mills.
There is a sense that once you hand over your book to a publisher the book is then out of your hands, job done – as a writer, you can sit back and relax! I’m afraid nothing could be further from the truth.
I’m very lucky, in that I have a wonderful publishing house who organise lots of buzz around the launch of a title, but all that buzz is for my book and so, the very least I can do is to show up – right?

So far this morning, I’ve spent my time thanking people for their kind tweets, comments and reviews – and oh, what lovely reviews…
The blog tour kicked off with two bloggers who I know have enjoyed my books in the past, so there’s a sense of deep breath and then read their thoughts as quickly as I can manage it!
Except that this morning, while I was having breakfast and probably meant to be doing a million other things, I was reading this lovely review from Being Anne – Anne Williams – I’m a fan of Anne’s reviews for quite some time and she’s helped me to chose many a good book over the years – so it’s such a thrill when she takes the time to read or review a book of mine. And this time – well, what a review….. It’s so lovely, I’m not even sure I can snip parts out, because it’s all quite perfect!
Instead, I’m going to pop the link in here..
You can imagine…. DAY MADE!
I didn’t see how the day could get any better – after all, I have a hospital appointment in the afternoon (nothing serious – just ophthalmic) but then, the lovely Jane Hunt Writer posted her blog post as part of the tour, I had imagined a blog post, perhaps an excerpt which is always welcome too, but best of all another lovely review – I’m over the moon.
You can see her gorgeous review here and I’ve also guest posted on the blog to tell readers a little about the book and the place I call home…
Here’s the link:
Jane Hunt Writer
So, that’s publication day for THE GIRL I USED TO KNOW!
Almost – there will of course be cake and maybe, if I’m lucky, there’s generally flowers and cards – but for now, I have to say, I’m really happy to be bringing a new Faith Hogan to readers and I only hope that everyone enjoys this new book!
If you love family dramas, the west of Ireland and fancy a big hug of a book – it might be for you! If you do like it, let me know,
In the meantime, I’d like to thank all of the bloggers taking part in the blog tour – these ladies are the champions of publishing, they celebrate each book purely for the love of reading – they are the best!
Till next time,
Faith xxx