Well, it’s been a while!
So, what’s been happening in the Hogan House since I last dropped in here? Well first off, we’ve have the summer holidays – it started out like a seemingly endless summer, with days planned here there and everywhere – in the end, most of it has been spent in the garden, scooting about the city and knee deep in edits for the next book – more of that at another time!

So, now, it feels as if the last burst of summer is upon us, beautiful, warm weather just as I’m getting the school uniforms sorted and the books covered – am I the only Mammy who dreads the copy covering afternoon?
Speaking of Mammies my own Mammy has been here with us in the Hogan House for the last few weeks. A broken leg has meant that we get to keep her all to ourselves for a little while, even if she’d much prefer to be at home, although she’s far too diplomatic to say it. She is enjoying spending time with the kids. It’s lovely to see them all running and racing around her as she did the same for them for so long – actually, I think she’s secretly enjoying this part of being laid up! Everyone has their own jobs – Tomas is the cappucino maker, Rosin is the personal care woman, Sean is in charge of technology and entertainment and Cristin is the runner about doing all the other little things that need to be done. Everyone is loving having her here.
Other big news since I last dropped in here – The Ladies Midnight Swimming Club has managed to make it to top ten position all over the place. In the US, UK, Australia and Canada readers have been picking it up in great numbers and so far they seem to be enjoying it. (Thanks all for the lovely reviews – they are always a wonderful boost.)
Finally, I wanted to share with you the new cover for the mass paperback outing next year. It’s pinker than before, bluer than before and it’s a bit more sparkly too – and I love it!

Of course, the trade paper back is still available in bookshops. If you’re in Dublin, Galway or Ballina, you might even pick up a signed copy. If it’s a signed copy or a personalised message you’re after – Eason’s in Ballina will look after you – give them a call (096) 60370 – sure they’re only lovely.
And I think, that’s about the height of things for me for the moment – if you want to keep up with all the inside goss from the Hogan House, head over to the newsletter page and sign up for news, videos and pics about what’s happening.
Till next time,
Faith xxx