Well, hello there….
I’m just dropping in here very quickly to share with you the brilliant news that today THE LADIES MIDNIGHT SWIMMING CLUB made it to number one in the overall UK Kindle Bestseller chart!
I am so excited – I have spent the day walking on cloud nine – in spite of everything going on around us, it feels like 2022 is kicking off in a way that feels as if there’s hope and potential for so much more this year!

As I write this I am counting my blessings, I am surrounded by the very nicest people, from family, to friends, to readers and the fantastic book community that I’m lucky to be part of across social media – I really am so very grateful.
Of course, the books wouldn’t be in people’s hands if it wasn’t for my agent and my publisher and the editors who have worked on this book since it first landed on a desk in busy, literary London – another thing to be grateful for.
So, I’m not sure how long our Ladies will remain at the top of the pile, but for now, I’m signing off and Mr H is making me a lovely Bailey’s coffee (not to brag, but my non-alcoholic Baileys is as good as you’re going to get!) I might even have two to celebrate!
Thank you my friends,
Faith xxx