Tag: aria fiction

  • Five on Friday

    Five on Friday

    As part of a blog tour – you get asked to do lots of different things. Just after our last tour finished, Jill invited me to participate in her Five on Friday slot and I just thought I’d add it in here – it’s a little different….     Which 5 pieces of music/songs would…

  • Reviews – thank you Sunday Independent!

    Reviews – thank you Sunday Independent!

    I think every writer approaches reviews with a certain sense of wariness – after all, not everyone likes the same things and that’s probably just as well. I often think of myself and Mr H here – we are a divided house when it comes to music at times – of course we both love the…

  • The Blog Tour – Part 1

    The Blog Tour – Part 1

    Even by my standards, the blog tour for What Happened To Us? is huge! There are over forty stops with bloggers reviewing, hosting excerpts, guest posts and Q&A’s. Thanks are due first to the bloggers for taking the time and making space for the book on their blogs, but also huge thanks must go to…

  • What Happened To Us?

    What Happened To Us?

    Okay, so hands up – I’ve been really quiet here recently… I have a good excuse though, or rather a number of them: First off, my poor old trustworthy lap top finally gave up the ghost and I had to replace – any of you who know me, will realise that there is nothing I…

  • Blog Tour for The Girl I Used To Know

    Blog Tour for The Girl I Used To Know

    At this point it almost feels like I’m at home with Karen on her blog. I really couldn’t be in a nicer spot, Karen has the very best books around! She was kind enough to come on board for the Blog Tour for THE GIRL I USED TO KNOW and she invited me to write…