Author: faith

  • The Blog Tour Kicks Off – Portobello Blog Tour

    The Blog Tour Kicks Off – Portobello Blog Tour

      Some people read your books and just seem to get them! I ‘met’ Joanne when she posted a review of My Husbands Wives on Goodreads. It was one of those rare moments of silence when the house was quiet and James and I were in the kitchen (he was probably reading a golf article!)…

  • Publication Day

    Publication Day

    It finally came – this Wednesday, after all the too -ing and fro -ing it did happen when it was supposed to happen… If you’re wondering what exactly – well, my second book has gone out into the world and it’s well… FABULOUS!!! Now, don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t inundated on Wednesday with…

  • Five Days To Go…

    Five Days To Go…

    So, like the title says, it’s five days to go and what busy days these are! Sometimes I wonder if there’s someone up there having a right good old laugh at me down here trying to catch my tail — seriously I’m wading my way through editing my third book before it goes off to…

  • We’re on the way up, yet again!

    We’re on the way up, yet again!

    So, this happened today…   And we left it to cook, for a while – and here’s where I have to say a very big thank you to all who went out and purchased My Husbands Wives today, because as I head to bed tonight, this is what Mr H found on the internet!!!  …

  • Kindle Promotion

    Kindle Promotion

    Well, we’re out the other side of Christmas and truly back at things again. Tomorrow, it’s back to the real world, for me at least, of course, the kids have another week of Christmas cheer – well, taking things easy anyway. Today, is a bit of a catchy up day and maybe, if I work…