Like most writers I didn’t take the direct route into publishing, I gained an Honours Degree in English Literature and Psychology from Dublin City University and a Postgraduate Degree from University College, Galway. I have worked in all sorts of jobs, as a fashion model, an event’s organizer and in the intellectual disability and mental health sector. The constant throughout has been a love of books! I have read and written all of my life.
I was a winner in the 2014 Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair – an international
competition for emerging writers, the feedback was very positive and
complimentary and suddenly, there were possibilities beyond just scribbling a few
lines here and a few lines there.
In 2018 I was selected as a Words Ireland winner in the DWAD afternoon – this
opened up opportunities among writers and film directors and it was an honor to
be one of the final winners.
In 2019 I was honored and delighted to win Mayo Business Woman of the Year
(Arts) in the Network Ireland Business Woman of the Year Awards.
My contemporary fiction novels have achieved top ten best seller status across the US, UK, Australia and Canada. My Husbands Wives was a top ten bestseller in
Ireland on its trade paper back release. The Ladies Midnight Swimming Club –
reached the overall No 1 position in the Amazon UK charts and has spent weeks
sitting pretty in the top overall books sold and read on Amazon. Its available in e-
book and in all good bookshops. All of my novels can be found in large print and
audio formats also. You can order most formats through your local library.
There have been many highs along the way, when the books featured as Book Club Favorites, Net Galley Hot Reads and Summer Must Reads. Being chosen as a
summer must read never gets old!
In 2024 The Bookshop Ladies was shortlisted for An Post Book Award.
I also write crime fiction novels under the name Geraldine Hogan. My Corbally
series, set in Limerick is published by Bookouture.
I am a regular contributor to newspapers and magazines and short story
I am currently working on edits and an idea for a new contemporary fiction novel. I live in the west of Ireland with my husband – Mr H, our family and the best
chocolate Labrador in the world. (I might be a bit biased on that last piece!)
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