Tag: aria fiction

  • Exciting News  – The Girl I Used To Know

    Exciting News – The Girl I Used To Know

    Well, do I have news for you? I certainly do, December 1st – just a few weeks away, sees the release of my third book with Aria Fiction. It’s called THE GIRL I USED TO KNOW and it will be published in digital format first so, it’s kindle and kobo and whatever you’re having yourself…

  • Hello Winter….

    Hello Winter….

    Short post, it’s been a quiet week. You see, Mrs H has succumbed to the flu – so bad, it might even be as bad as man flu! Yes, no work for three days, a lot of feeling sorry for myself, a hefty dose of anti-biotics, echinancea and vitamin C and of course, plenty of…

  • The Writing Garnet – Secrets We Keep

    The Writing Garnet – Secrets We Keep

    It was a real pleasure to drop in on the lovely Kaishia for the next stop on the blog tour — that happened last February 5th and she was good enough to read and review Secrets We Keep and even better – she enjoyed it! Thanks so much for having me back on the blog…

  • Guest Post — Rachel’s Randome Reads …#MFEO

    Guest Post — Rachel’s Randome Reads …#MFEO

    Now, I did mention that there was a blog tour afoot… Part of my brilliant plan, so the internet doesn’t crash out altogether with all the blogging and sharing and reviewing that’s going on is that while the actual ‘Blog Tour,’ is trundling along for February, in March I’ll repost most of the tour to…

  • The Blog Tour!!!

    The Blog Tour!!!

    As you may have noticed — unless you’re not remotely connected to any kind of social media – because it feels like I’m everywhere right now — we are having ourselves a little blog tour for Secrets We Keep. Well, when I say little… there were twenty eight stops last time I checked – that’s…