Tag: aria fiction

  • Publication Day

    Publication Day

    It finally came – this Wednesday, after all the too -ing and fro -ing it did happen when it was supposed to happen… If you’re wondering what exactly – well, my second book has gone out into the world and it’s well… FABULOUS!!! Now, don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t inundated on Wednesday with…

  • The Writing Garnet – Guest Post

    The Writing Garnet – Guest Post

    Hi all, I was delighted to hook up with Kaisha on the Writing Garnet for a guest post. Seriously loved her review for Minna Howard earlier this year so this was a real treat! Beyond Thrilled! Anyway, here’s a link to the post which went out on November 8th and I fully intend to take…

  • Fifty Reviews!!

    Fifty Reviews!!

    Big day yesterday!! We hit fifty reviews on Amazon in the US, it’s humbling and lovely to think that fifty people took the time to leave their thoughts about My Husband’s Wives, so thanks to all who have shared their thoughts. To celebrate, Yasemin at Aria sent over this lovely image for social media posting…

  • Thank you Kobo and Aria Fiction!!

    Thank you Kobo and Aria Fiction!!

    First off, thanks to Kobo and all the lovely Kobo readers for this…     No 2 on Kobo is always very nice 🙂   Earlier today, my publishers sent on this….       Grace got a lovely new red dress – I think it’s lovely and it works really well in terms of…

  • August – Here we come…

    August – Here we come…

          It’s been an exciting summer with My Husband’s Wives hitting a lot of milestones. The bookbub promotion was probably the most exciting and thrilling – so thank you to all at Aria who worked hard to get it included. For now, it’s unto August….. The last few stops of the blog hop!…