Tag: books

  • Five on Friday

    Five on Friday

    As part of a blog tour – you get asked to do lots of different things. Just after our last tour finished, Jill invited me to participate in her Five on Friday slot and I just thought I’d add it in here – it’s a little different….     Which 5 pieces of music/songs would…

  • Top Twenty Bestsellers!

    Top Twenty Bestsellers!

    It’s been a bit hectic around the Hogan house of late, all for the good. It seems juggling three books – one writing, one editing and Secrets We Keep being transformed into trade paperback is not quite enough to keep me on my toes. Over the last few weeks, the Girl I Used To Know…

  • Hello Winter….

    Hello Winter….

    Short post, it’s been a quiet week. You see, Mrs H has succumbed to the flu – so bad, it might even be as bad as man flu! Yes, no work for three days, a lot of feeling sorry for myself, a hefty dose of anti-biotics, echinancea and vitamin C and of course, plenty of…

  • Launch of My Husband Wives – the speaches

    Launch of My Husband Wives – the speaches

      Any writer will tell you that the culmination of all those words is seeing the book in your hand. Maeve Binchey once said that imagining her eventual book launch was what got her through the wilderness of writing her first book.  Launching My Husbands Wives was a happy occasion,  I had expected to be…

  • Love Books Group – Author Q&A

    Love Books Group – Author Q&A

    In the week of My Husbands Wives, paper back publication, I popped over to Love Books Group – now here’s a seriously busy woman.  We talked about writing, reading and just deserts! Here’s a link to this wonderful site:   https://lovebooksgroup.blog/2017/05/13/my-husbands-wives-gerhogan-aria_fiction-qa/   And here’s the Q&A and an extract as it appeared back in May…